Saturday, January 30, 2010

Let's Rise to the Occasion

We're taking off tomorrow, game for the long flight and looking forward to the reward of meeting Baby G after 19 hours in the air. While we know the flight there will be relaxing, our feelings are two fold: excitement to meet the baby and anxious about leaving the little dudes back home. It's a long time to be gone from them. Our older son processes things differently than our younger son. The older son understands the outcome once it is explained to him. Senor Silly, on the other hand, asks a lot of questions. He asked last night "how many days until next Monday?" (the day we come back). I'm hoping the week keeps them busy enough to be distracted by our abscence but I know the evening routine will be different without our presence. We are very thankful for Grandma to step in while we're gone.

Thanks to all the friends who called, emailed and stopped by to give us one last well wish. Thanks to our older son's teacher who hung a picture of Baby G in the classroom. He has appreciated the support and excitement his classmates have shared with him and our family is flattered by everyone's grace. After hearing us talk about this for the past two years, it's comforting knowing that you're experiencing this journey with us. The link to the orphanage website is: I'm not sure if I'll be able to update the blog while we're there but check it out and you can see the baby's (and what will be) our surroundings.

We're heading into this turn in our path expecting a challenge. So many "what if" questions. Fortunately, we have a great post adoption support system through our agency and they will be able to lead us through the maze. If we have only a few "what ifs", we will be pleasantly surprised. But it's ok if it's a challenge, we're ready to rise to the occasion. It will all be worth it in the long run.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Best Nest

We have finally confirmed our travel plans, received approval and we're off to Manila in 18 days and counting. It's a daily roller coaster of emotions ranging from excitement, anticipation, anxiety, stress and fatigue. It's been a challenge to be as detailed as possible when forecasting the week for Grandma and our two babysitters while we are gone. Who knew that planning a week of logistics for two little fellas could be mentally draining?

With that, I have been "nesting." Our pantry looks so organized it could be in a home magazine and our linen closet looks like Martha Stewart paid a visit (thanks Melissa). All for the ease of adaptation when the baby comes home.

We'll get a glimpse of the baby's current nest, aka orphanage, while we are there. Our travel plans begin with spending our first two nights at the orphanage. This is to acclimate her to us and us to her. I often wondered about that throughout the process; do they just hand her over to us immediately after she meets us? Fortunately the answer is no, for the sake of the baby, but being cognizant too, of her current caregivers. They have invested their hearts into her just as much as we have. I am sure the separation will be emotional for everyone involved.

One of my favorite stories growing up was by P.D. Eastman called "The Best Nest". This classic is now in our boy's library collection and I am looking forward to reading the story to the baby. We hope to provide the best nest; everything we can provide for her she wouldn't otherwise been able to have. And who knows, maybe one day she will sing like I did when I was younger, "I love my house, I love my nest, in all the world, my nest is best."

Warming Up to Us

Not Crazy About Meeting Us

Baby Party1

Baby Party2

Bruce-The Orphanage's Pet Bird

Walking During Baby Party

My Old House


Las Day at Orphanage

Colin and Che at American War Memorial